5 Advantages Of Prepaid Plan Over Postpaid

With a prepaid phone plan, you get to pay for your phone usage upfront while with a postpaid plan; you pay your phone bill at the end of every month. Therefore, the major difference between the two plans is the billing period.

Prepaid phone services tend to be cheaper and don’t require having your credit checked, but it doesn’t come with as many options and perks as postpaid. So, to know which plan is better it will depend on what you’re looking for in your plan.

What are Prepaid Plans? Whenever you sign up for a prepaid plan through any of the major companies, you pay ahead each month for the service they provide. You will have to wait until the next billing cycle to top up your service if you run out before the time you paid for. You can also choose to top up your service if you don’t want to wait until the next cycle.

5 Advantages of Prepaid Over Postpaid Plans

Choosing a prepaid phone plan can allow for hundreds in savings yearly. This will be even more beneficial if you’re already on a postpaid plan with any of the four big phone companies, such as T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint, and AT&T.

There are many reasons why people choose prepaid phone plans. Some advantages are listed below.

Cost effective

Prepaid phone plans generally cost less than their postpaid counterparts. For the most part, persons who choose to go postpaid don’t need all that comes with the package.

No Credit History

No one checks your credit – Whether or not your credit history is excellent, you don’t need to worry because to get a prepaid phone plan, they won’t do a credit check. While on the postpaid phone plan, the company will have to run a credit history before allowing you to go ahead.

Most phone companies allow you to build a plan of your own when you choose a prepaid cell phone plan. But with a postpaid phone plan, you get a catalog that only includes unlimited plans which will go to waste if not used.

Stop Whenever You Want

With a prepaid phone plan, you can pause or stop the service at any time. While with postpaid plans, you have unlimited data, which isn’t suited for everyone.

More Control

It’s easier for parents to control children’s phone usage with a prepaid phone plan as there’s a limit on it.

Using prepaid phone plans won’t allow you to go over your limit each month. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about leverage fees. If you run out of data and have a T-Mobile plan, you can pay T-mobile prepay to recharge your data.

More Saving

To allow for more savings on a prepaid phone plan, you can add your family to it too. However, with postpaid plans, there are only a few shared plans available.

While there is not a definite winner where the prepaid and postpaid service is considered, the end result is what matters to each person and their family. It’s essential that you think about your priorities before choosing a plan for your phone because it can be the difference between spending too much and saving money on phone bills. You can always check out places such as Cellpay for more information.

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