IT Risk Assessment – Everything You need To Know

IT Risk Assessment

The purpose of having an IT risk assessment can never be downplayed, especially in the 21st century. The process whereby a responsible individual or team of people identifies any security or threat risk to a business is the simplified definition of a risk assessment. A more in-depth one can be found here, and this is one of the primary goals for any organization and should be done regularly without fail.

The risk of not abiding by this could cost a lot more than how much you are paying to hire or outsource a team of IT professionals. There have been numerous cases of companies being attacked by hackers and malware, and even some of the biggest and well-known brands, such as Google, and Amazon, have faced this and had to pay out billions just to remedy the situation.

Not only do you risk your business, but in many cases, you also risk the data and personal information of your customers and employees, when this is not implemented within your company.  The end purpose of such a responsibility is to ideally, mitigate risks that may prevent a secure environment, including compliance activities.

Because not every company has the resources to do this, outsourcing from an MSP provider or managed Service Provider, is a helpful and well-known solution. The basic idea behind this is an establishment that can outsource expertise skills and professionals to various businesses to help them where they need it, and most commonly within the spectrum of IT tasks.

The better you can articulate a plan of action to reduce any risks within the business, the better your operations would be, and the less threat to your environment, data, and information systems. A great advantage is that the more secure your business is, the more your existing and new clients will want to do business with you.

How a Security Assessment Works

How a Security Assessment Works

There are a few factors that play a part in this idea, and things such as the portfolio of assets, resources, the growth rate of the company, and its size, are just a few. If it’s a generalized task, then most companies can carry them out by themselves. However, for the more highly specialized tasks, especially when it comes to technology, the need to hire an expert who knows what they are doing, is a necessity. 

Those companies that are always tight on budgets and have a lack of time and resources to perform certain tasks, can make good use of these MSP’s risk assessment solutions. Sometimes employees will not necessarily provide you with all the information you need or require to secure things.

The big data involved in this is usually the responsibility of the IT professional, and an in-house one, who is handling multiple tasks at one go, may not be as efficient as an outsourced individual or team that is highly skilled and specialist in certain departments such as an IT department.

The generalized tasks that an employee will carry out, will not necessitate the need for possible threats and associated threats, identified risks, detailed mapping of assets, or being able to mitigate controls. Sometimes, however, when a more general task is needed then this could work, however in environments where a more in-depth assessment is needed then hiring from an MSP is the best solution.

5 Benefits Associated with IT Risk Assessments

IT Risk Assessment

The regular assessment and inventory of IT services have some of the most significant benefits to any company. We briefly discuss 5 of them below:

1. An Understanding of the Profile

To avoid any potential threat to resources and systems, the assessment is key in helping to identify anything that may seem out of place or a possible weakness in the overall infrastructure. The potential for threat is significantly reduced when this idea is practiced. Creating a risk profile is one of the ways IT professionals do this i.e.

  1. Finding the source of the threat (internal or external)
  2. Establishing the reason for a particular (or any) risk for example trade secrets, uncontrolled access permissions, etc.
  3. Whether there is any likelihood that the threat will materialize
  4. A thorough analysis of any visible or hidden threat 

When you have such crucial data at hand, you can find a solution a lot easier and quicker. Starting from the most threatening and high potential for harm going down to the last and minimal. One is something that can save any business any type of loss.

2. Remediating Vulnerabilities

Using what’s known as a ‘gap-focused assessment methodology,’ such as the one mentioned here: is one of the best ways of moving on to the next step in the process. To find any vulnerabilities, this seems like the appropriate action to take. This is highly advantageous.

As teams coordinate to identify risks and close them. Various aspects are checked such as management and operations, and cybersecurity, instances. Security protocols are implemented and tested to find any weaknesses. This will help towards the best information and security precautions.

3. Doing an Inventorying of Data Assets

Another benefit is the ability to do an inventory of all the assets which involves knowing. What’s at hand and crucial the information before you. Without this, it can be difficult to complete an up-to-date assessment or inventory of things. And make the right decisions going forward for IT.

4. Justifying Costs

If you want to get rid of unnecessary expenses. Based on the security side of things, this is one way to do this. You can gain a good estimate of where the money needs to be spent and where it does not. Helping you to balance costs out where necessary and not having to waste your company’s money. 

5. Abide by Legal Requirements

Another great advantage of having IT risk assessments practiced is that any business. That does this will be complying with legal requirements. Various regulations towards this have been implemented in many countries because of the threat of cyber hacks and data breaches. And many have to comply with the regular evaluations of the company and client’s data to make sure nothing gets infiltrated.

As you can see this is a highly important aspect of any company. And should be considered today if you aren’t already doing it. 

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