6 Ways To Generate More Leads At Your Next Trade Show Using Canopy Tent Designs

6 Ways To Generate More Leads At Your Next Trade Show Using Canopy Tent Designs

Here are 6 ways to generate more leads at your next trade show using canopy tent designs:

1. Engage your audience with canopy tents that allow for inside space and visibility

Think about canopy tent designs that will engage your clientele and entice them to stop and learn more about the services and/or products you represent. Inside canopy tent spaces can be customizable with graphics or any other design elements you feel would help set you apart from the rest of your competition.  Ensure canopy tent designs match your brand image as well as corporate colours, not only to make a statement, but also to ensure they fit seamlessly into the overall event décor.

Canopy Tent Ideas for Trade Show Marketing: Custom Designs + Flooring Designs

2. Upgrade your canopy tents with lighting to attract new leads even after dark

Adding canopy tent lighting is a great way to keep your canopy tent space active even after dark.  Visitors will appreciate canopy tent designs that offer bright lights, which create the impression of safety and security for them as they make their way through the show floor at night. It’s also much less expensive than you might imagine adding canopy tent lighting. Let our canopy experts help you determine the right canopy design with custom lighting fitted into your canopy tents that will attract new leads day or night!

Canopy Tent Ideas for Trade Show Marketing: Adding Lighting

Also read Top 8 Digital Marketing Strategies To Run A Successful Campaign.

3. Create canopy tents that allow for customized branding graphics on all surfaces

One of the best ways to increase your brand awareness at any trade show event is by ensuring there’s no mistaking how many canopy tent designs you have at your trade show.  Use canopy tent designs that allow you the space to brand all four of the canopy’s surfaces, not just one. Our canopy design team can help create a canopy tent design that will allow for full branding on every surface, including underneath the canopy!

Canopy Tent Ideas for Trade Show Marketing: 4-Sided Branding

4. Add canopy tents with quick access doors so attendees don’t have far to go once they enter

One big mistake many exhibitors make is setting up canopy tent designs in locations where there are very long walks from the entrance to their display area once attendees get inside. Make sure canopy tents are set up close enough to walk right into from any direction by choosing canopy tent designs with added canopy entrance doors.  Our canopy design team can help you determine canopy tent designs that have the ideal number of entrances based on your canopy tent’s location and available space measurements.

Canopy Tent Ideas for Trade Show Marketing: Ideal Number of Entrances

5. Make a statement by choosing a canopy design style that fits seamlessly into its surroundings

There are many canopy tent styles to choose from, each one offering a unique look and feel – but not all canopy design styles fit in equally everywhere. If you’re looking for canopy tents for sale, it’s important to customize options based on where they’ll be set up as well as how long they’ll be needed. Think about things like whether or not you need canopy tent sides for extra privacy. Our canopy design team can help you choose canopy tent styles that offer temporary or semi-permanent canopy tent options so you don’t have to lug around canopy tents that are only used once – which means it’s time to start thinking about canopy tent designs that are sleek, modern, and edgy!

Canopy Tent Ideas for Trade Show Marketing: Modern + Edgy

6. Give attendees something they’re sure to remember by choosing canopy promotional giveaways

Choosing the right canopy promotional giveaway(s) is essential when it comes to generating leads at your next trade show.  Make sure all of your branding elements are cohesive throughout your entire booth space with canopy design options like customizable flooring tiles, printed backdrops, canopy tents, canopy promotional giveaways, and canopy tent lighting that all match your brand’s colors.  Our canopy design team can help you create custom canopy promotional giveaway options that will fit seamlessly into your space while offering buyers something to remember (and talk about) when they get back home.

Canopy Tent Ideas for Trade Show Marketing: Promo Giveaways


Think canopy tent designs for your next trade show with helpful canopy design tips from our canopy experts!

As you can see, canopy tents can be an excellent addition to any marketing campaign at a trade show event.  But canopy tents aren’t just for big marketing companies – canopy ideas are perfect for anyone looking to increase brand awareness and generate leads at their next trade show event! 

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